Cutting an onion is something I may do two or three times per week. I will grab my chef's knife and a cutting board and chop the onion. I have other options in my kitchen for doing this job. However, even if I choose to use another implement, I still must cut the ends off and take the outer papery skin off.
The Vadalia chopper is my mother-in-law's favorite. She said how much she liked it, so I went out and purchased one, too. I had a very hard time pushing the top down through the onion, so much so that I had to step on the top. That's not my idea of how to use a kitchen utensil. Perhaps it will work better with another type of food. I'll keep it for a little while longer and give it another chance. Again it's taking up room and it's not the easiest thing to clean.
I like a mandolin when I need a lot of nice thin slices. This is a keeper, but I don't use it that much.
The hand chopper is used when I need a lot chopped.
I do not have a food processor. I found it took up too much space and was more work to clean than it was worth, so I got rid of it.

Do you like gadgets or have a lot of utensils? What do you use?
I use my V Slicer which is also a mandolin slicer. It's great for slicing tomatoes thin enough for sandwiches or burgers. But if I don't feel like taking it out I just use a knife too.
Cutting board and a knife for onions. It's the easiest and quickest. It makes clean up easier too...less to wash!
Living it up at Lakewood,
I love to browse kitchen stores and dream of having a kitchen with room for everything. Then I walk out with either nothing or a new spatula or knife because they take up the least space.
I do have a food processor but it lives in a cupboard in the garage and is only brought out for big jobs.
Becky K.
I have way too much stuff - and it's mostly never used -- I usually use a knife and cutting board as well -- whatever works!
I'm laughing about you having to stand on the slicer! Nope, that doesn't sound like an easy gadget to use. I use a knife for my onions. It just seems like less trouble and less clean up than other gadgets. laurie
I had a lot of the same gadgets...and I still used the regular knife too. They are never as easy to use as they sound are they?
I use a plain old sharp knife and a PLATE to cut onions.
Sheila :-)
Hi Karen...
Just wanted to stop by to say thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my finished faux fireplace project...I really enjoyed your sweet note, my friend!!!
You know...I guess I'm from the "old school"...I just use a cutting board and knife to cut my onions. It's just a fast for me and the clean up is so much easier! I'm always for quick and easy! However, I guess if I had alot of onion to chop...then a processer would really help! I'm just not much on kitchen gadgets...I hate the clean up! Hehe!
Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!
Chari @Happy To Design
This is a VERY GOOD post! You really got me thinking. Simplifying life is tricky.
My all time favorite MUST HAVE kitchen gadget is my Pampered Chef apple slicer! So simple and easy!
I find that I can chop an onion much faster than I can get out and then wash any gadget. I do have a mini food processor that is easy and sometimes I get it out, but not often. I cook a lot, but I don't use many gadgets. One trick I did learn--I chop my eggs with a pastry cutter--works like a charm! ps-we have a french fry cutter that requires brute strength also!
I don't have any of those, just use a knife and cutting board. But I've always wanted a mandolin slicer!
Nice post, Karen. I chop onions the old fashioned way ... with a knife and, usually, on a paper plate. If I have other chopping to do, too, I use our chopping block.
I love kitchen utensils and have a nice collection of old ones from my grandmothers and mother-in-law. My most precious one is a set of Christmas cookie cutters that belonged to my grandmother and my mother passed down to me when my children were little. I use them with our granddaughter Avery Grace now.
LOL I just use a big knife and cry if the onion is a strong one.
I'd rather have Palms in my Florida yard. I really don't like shade trees; they make the home so dark. I like light and bright.
clever idea; it made me smile! I am following you on Google, thanks to Ashley at Too Jazzed to Sleep...
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