Jan at Rose Haven is hosting Rose Wednesday. Since this is my first post on Rose Haven, I will be literal and share my photos of my rose bushes. These photos were taken last June. They were only 1 to 2 years old. I hope that they will be fuller this summer. Thanks, Jan for giving me the opportunity to share. Check out her site to see what else is posted.
David Austin is an English rose grower. His roses are crosses between certain old roses and modern hybrid teas and floribundas, thus combining the charm and fragrance of an old rose with the color and repeat flowering of a modern rose. The picture above is David Austin's Abraham Darby. I love the cup shaped fullness of this rose with approximately 70 petals. It repeats well, offering other bloomings, especially if pruned in the summer.
This is a Knock Out rose. While not having a lot of petals, I like it because it blooms continously and stays full and leafy all summer. Knock Out roses are easy to grow, do not need to be deadheaded, and need no winter protection. Knock Out roses are the most disease resistant rose on the market. They can grow to be more than 3' wide and 4' tall, if not pruned. They look great planted in mass.
This is a Don Juan climber. It should eventually get 10'-14' tall. The pointed buds open to a velvety dark red bloom of 30 petals. It is a repeat bloomer and is fragrant. Why would you get a rose that wasn't fragrent? It could also be trained horizontally to grown along a fence.
What gorgeous roses! Thanks for sharing these pictures. The frozen tundra of Illinois is becoming tiresome to me and I LONG FOR the scent of roses on a summer breeze!
Oh...what lovely roses.
Thanks for joining us today, for ROSE Wednesday!
ps...please include a LINK in your post...over to my blog, that makes it easier for your viewers to find me. Here's the LINK for today:
Your roses are lovely. I bought my first knock-out rose last year. Boy, am I happy w/ them!
It was nice meeting you, Karen.... Happy Rose Wednesday!
Your roses and arbor are absolutely gorgeous! Stunning! I'm sharing a different kind of rose on my post today...come on over to say hi! ;) ~CC Catherine
Karen, thanks for stopping over! Hey, what part of PA are you from? I grew up in between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg and lived 17 years as an adult near Harrisburg, a little town called Mechanicsburg! It never ceases to amaze me how we find folks that were once in our own backyard! Let's keep in touch! ;)
What beautiful roses. Thanks for sharing. Welcome to the Rose Wednesday family! Happy Rose Wednesday!
Hello and Happy Rose Wednesday. Oh my what beauatiful roses, I try and try to grow them but my knock out rose does not get a big as yours! I'll keep trying.
Bless You, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hi Karen~
Thanks for getting in touch! small world! Hope your kitchen is finished up soon!
Love these roses...I'll have to try some of those Knockout roses...beautiful!
absolutely beautiful.
ah ..Roses, can never get enough of them.
Hi Karen
Your rosh bushes are beautiful. DOn't we all long to see roses in the garden again at this time of year? Thanks for stopping by.
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