Martha from Lines from Linderhof gave me this Friends Award. It is my very first award and I am just thrilled. I certainly have made friends in blogland. It's sweet of you to recognise me. Thank you, Martha.
The Friends Award comes with this message attached:
- Becky at Hospitality Lane
- Martha at Mid-Atlantic Martha
- Catherine at Catherine de the Cups
- Domestic Designer
Just for Fun Name Game
Kim at My Domestic Bliss posted this fun game. Here are the Rules: Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. They have to be real places, real names, etc... Try to use different answers if you have the same initial as someone who has already done this. You cannot use you own name for the boy/girl question. Ready?... Set?... GO!!!
Since I received it from Kim, and the rules said use a different initial, I am using N for Nittany.
1. What is your name? Nana (to the grandkids)
2. A four letter word? Nice
3. A boy's name? Norman
4. A girl's name? Nancy
5. An occupation? Notary Public
6. A color? Navy Blue
7. Something you wear? Nail tips
8. A beverage? Nestle tea
9. A food? noodles
10. Something found in the bathroom? Nair
11. Movie? Norma Rae
12. Celebrity? Nick Nolte (Do I get double credit?)
13. Sport? Nittany Lions Football
14. A place? North Dakota
15. A pet? Norwich Terrier
Play along if you want!
Congratulations Karen on receiving your first award!!! ;))) Thanks so much for paying it forward! =) ~CC Catherine
Congratulations on receiving your award and thanks sooooo much for passing it along to me! It is my first and I can assure you it will always be treasured! :-) Have a wonderful day! You have certainly made mine!
Oh thank you Karen! I really do treasure this award. It's an honor to call you friend!
Why, Thank You!!!!
It is so nice to get to "know" you here in Blogland!
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