10 March, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Tea

I'm linking to The Silken Purse. She is hosting Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee. You must check it out. It's a beautiful blog with beautiful photos.

Welcome to my St. Patrick's tea. The Irish really love their tea, and are amoungst the most frequent drinkers of tea around the world. I'm serving Twinnings Irish Breakfast tea. It is best taken with milk and sweetened to taste to bring out the best flavor.

I'm letting it steep in my Mother's antique green teapot.

I found this set at a yard sale last summer. I picked up a set for two for $3.00. I thought the pattern had a celtic design.

A perfect accompanyment to the tea are these new Girl Scout cookies, Thank You Berry Munch, out for the first time this year. They have cranberries in the cookies. Yum.

I have been looking for a pot to keep the lepracons gold. Goodwill had this little ceramic pot last week. The chocolate coins are perfect.

The centerpiece is a small shamrock plant with a decorative wooden pick.

The tablecloth was purchased at TJ Maxx.


  1. Karen, this is as cute as can be! I love all of your leprechauns and the china you found. It does look Celtic. Love that! That is an adorable table.

    I wish I knew where you found your chocolate coins? I saw them at Christmas and then didn't see them again. I would love to have some for my table, too. I would put them around the cake. But aren't you afraid the leprechauns are going to run off with them??? ;-)



  2. Oh what a fun tea. This is just so pretty and fun. I love the antique teapot. Lovely. Hugs, Marty

  3. This is adorable! I really like the pink with the green! Great details!

    I wish I had tried those new GS cookies!


  4. Thank you so very much for taking part in my Wednesdy Tea, dear lady!.., Everything you posted is so sweet and utterly delightful!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  5. O, how cute this is. I love everything. The china is beautiful


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