08 March, 2010

Bedscapes and Beyond #5

Since I only have two bedrooms, and most people only have 3 to 4, I think this meme goes better with a monthly linky party than a weekly party. Therefore, I will link up for the second Tuesday of every month. The link will be up actually the second Monday evening.

This bedscape is from an open house. Euro shams serve as the headboard. They match the coverlet. Crisp white sheets and pillow cases complete the bedding.

I love this little white decorative pillow.

The walls are a similar color as my own bedroom. I love the gauzy cheesecloth bed curtains. I'm still out on having them puddle on the floor. The look fine, but I have visions of them getting sucked up in the vacuum. lol

I love the molding and the large baseboards.

To link up with your own bedscape:

First, post your own bedscape.

Click on the title of your post, not the title of your blog. That's what people call your permalink.

Click on "Your Next" and enter your name and/or blog name. Then enter the url you just copied of the post.

Be sure to leave a comment and create a link to my blog. Thanks so much.


  1. Very pretty my friend...girl I have been wanting to do this each week...but I also only have 2 bedrooms but get this I have 4 full size bathrooms...strange house I built here ha ha!! also I have my master bedroom tore apart with staining the trim right now so maybe by next month I can hook up...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. Beautiful! This is a nice meme, I'm glad to join in!

    I just posted to the linky, now I must go add your button, etc. to my blog!

    Thanks for hosting!


  3. Pretty beddings and bed! I will have to try to remember to join you next month. I wanted to join today but I ran out of time. I did so much cleaning around here after being away for a month....Christine

  4. It is beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration. laurie

  5. I love those floaty curtains! Beautiful bedroom!


  6. Hmm that's quiet interessting but actually i have a hard time seeing it... wonder how others think about this..


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